Saturday, February 9, 2008


Do you fancy yourself an adept artist?Can you throw pencils,pens,or charcoals around so that the finished product looks a bit of aw'right?Do your nerdy comp skills leave you at the top of the graphic arts and design heap?Well ol' B.W. has a challenge to issue you,droogies!I'm currently self-producing a full-length comedy cd entitled "The Devil Has Hot Sauce in his Ice Cubes",which promises to blow the lid off of ANYTHING anyone has ever heard before!I may seriously distribute the damn thing with obligatory diaper in tow,as a safeguard against pissed pants.Herein lies the challenge:
Draw the following:
A cartoon characterization of yours cruellyPhotobucket atop his satanic throne,being brought AMP energy drinksPhotobucket and cigarettesPhotobucket by hellspawned minionsPhotobucket in whatever medium you see fit.
Send it off to me or
If I use it for the CD cover,you get a credit on the CD,plus a free personalized copy when the whole thing is said and done.
I know what you're saying over there.I could do this myself,and you're right,I certainly could.But I'm throwing this out there to you lovely people as an opportunity to be a part of underground comedy history,and get your name on what promises to be a memorable release.
Deadline-wise,there really isn't any,as I'm still producing tracks on this end,but it wouldn't hurt to get crackin',as once I'm done,I'll be pretty eager to unleash it on the unsuspecting masses.Let's see what you come up with,I know I'll be pleasantly surprised!

Yours Cruelly,

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